sábado, 27 de maio de 2023



O BIPES é um projeto Open Source desenvolvido em parceria pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Instituto Federal de Educação do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) e Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Possui Licença Pública Geral (GPL) e se baseia/integra diversas outras ferramentas abertas, como Google Blockly, MicroPython, freeboard, entre outras.

O BIPES oferece uma página da Web para instalar o MicroPython de maneira rápida e fácil no ESP8266 ou ESP32 ou SNEK no Arduino. Basta acessar uma das páginas listadas abaixo e clicar no botão para instalar o MicroPython ou SNEK em sua placa! Sem esptool, Arduino IDE ou qualquer outro software necessário para fazer o flash das placas!


Gravando o MicroPython no NINA W106 (EVK)

Acesse https://bipes.net.br/flash/esp-web-tools/ e atualize o MicroPython diretamente do navegador!

Agora em em Features (bipes.net.br), selecione a opção Start Creating Now (HTTPS)

Piscando um LED no GPIO15 (PAD 32 do NINA W106)

Selecione a Serial onde se encontra o NINA W106

Veja o código gerado

Mande rodar

Conecte um LED no PAD 32 do NINA W106 e você verá ele piscando a cada 1 segundo.

No console você pode ver boot do NINA W106 e a transferência do programa em MicroPython

Muitas "bibliotecas", algumas requerem instalação (o próprio console faz a instalação e grava na Flash)

Rede, Comunicação, Atuadores, Sensores, Displays, BLE

Veja este LIVRO



NINA-W10 data sheet (u-blox.com)

BIPES: Block based Integrated Platform for Embedded Systems


A SmartCore fornece módulos para comunicação wireless, biometria, conectividade, rastreamento e automação.
Nosso portfólio inclui modem 2G/3G/4G/NB-IoT/Cat.M, satelital, módulos WiFi, Bluetooth, GNSS / GPS, Sigfox, LoRa, leitor de cartão, leitor QR code, mecanismo de impressão, mini-board PC, antena, pigtail, LCD, bateria, repetidor GPS e sensores.
Mais detalhes em www.smartcore.com.br

sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2023


                                     WISOL LSM110A  RUNNING TINYGO IDE GOLANG - LoRaWAN

The purpose of this BLOG is to demonstrate how it is possible to program the WISOL LSM110A module (STM32WL55) with the TinyGo language, Breakout was used for LSM110A.


A communication with LoRaWAN server ChirpStack and TTTN will be performed (OTAA, AU915), a Hello TinyGo #XX text will be sent every 60 seconds (FUP), the #XX is a counter.

Requires your knowledge of Go/TinyGo

Follow discussion at

LSM110A Starter KIT



What is TTN

The Network of Things (TTN) is an initiative initiated by Dutch civil society. The goal is to have LoRaWAN networks installed in every city in the world. By interconnecting these local networks, TTN wants to build a worldwide infrastructure to facilitate a public Internet of Things (IoT).

The best LoRaWAN provider.

TinyGo is a project to bring the Go programming language to microcontrollers and modern browsers by creating a new LLVM-based compiler.

You can compile and run TinyGo programs on many different microcontroller boards, such as the BBC micro:bit and the Arduino Uno.

TinyGo can also be used to produce WebAssembly (WASM) code, which is very compact in size.

Just want to see the code? Go to the Github repository at

TinyGo also supports many different devices such as accelerometers and magnetometers. Check out the Github repository at


c:\go\bin\go get tinygo.org/x/drivers



module demo
go 1.19 require tinygo.org/x/drivers v0.23.0 // indirect

// Simple code for connecting to Lorawan network and uploading sample payload package main import ( "errors" "strconv" "time" "tinygo.org/x/drivers/examples/lora/lorawan/common" "tinygo.org/x/drivers/lora" "tinygo.org/x/drivers/lora/lorawan" "tinygo.org/x/drivers/lora/lorawan/region" ) var debug string const ( LORAWAN_JOIN_TIMEOUT_SEC = 180 LORAWAN_RECONNECT_DELAY_SEC = 15 LORAWAN_UPLINK_DELAY_SEC = 60 ) var ( radio lora.Radio session *lorawan.Session otaa *lorawan.Otaa ) func loraConnect() error { start := time.Now() var err error for time.Since(start) < LORAWAN_JOIN_TIMEOUT_SEC*time.Second { println("Trying to join network") err = lorawan.Join(otaa, session) if err == nil { println("Connected to network !") return nil } println("Join error:", err, "retrying in", LORAWAN_RECONNECT_DELAY_SEC, "sec") time.Sleep(time.Second * LORAWAN_RECONNECT_DELAY_SEC) } err = errors.New("Unable to join Lorawan network") println(err.Error()) return err } func failMessage(err error) { println("FATAL:", err) for { } } func main() { println("*** Lorawan basic join and uplink demo ***") // Board specific Lorawan initialization var err error radio, err = common.SetupLora() if err != nil { failMessage(err) } // Required for LoraWan operations session = &lorawan.Session{} otaa = &lorawan.Otaa{} // Connect the lorawan with the Lora Radio device. lorawan.UseRadio(radio) lorawan.UseRegionSettings(region.AU915()) // Configure AppEUI, DevEUI, APPKey, and public/private Lorawan Network setLorawanKeys() if debug != "" { println("main: Network joined") println("main: DevEui, " + otaa.GetDevEUI()) println("main: AppEui, " + otaa.GetAppEUI()) println("main: DevAddr, " + otaa.GetAppKey()) } // Try to connect Lorawan network if err := loraConnect(); err != nil { failMessage(err) } if debug != "" { println("main: NetID, " + otaa.GetNetID()) println("main: NwkSKey, " + session.GetNwkSKey()) println("main: AppSKey, " + session.GetAppSKey()) println("main: Done") } // Try to periodicaly send an uplink sample message upCount := 1 for { payload := "Hello TinyGo #" + strconv.Itoa(upCount) if err := lorawan.SendUplink([]byte(payload), session); err != nil { println("Uplink error:", err) } else { println("Uplink success, msg=", payload) } println("Sleeping for", LORAWAN_UPLINK_DELAY_SEC, "sec") time.Sleep(time.Second * LORAWAN_UPLINK_DELAY_SEC) upCount++ } }
Copy and past



//go:build !customkeys package main import ( "tinygo.org/x/drivers/lora/lorawan" ) // These are sample keys, so the example builds // Either change here, or create a new go file and use customkeys build tag func setLorawanKeys() { otaa.SetAppEUI([]uint8{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}) otaa.SetDevEUI([]uint8{0x88, 0x57, 0x1D, 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xEE, 0x8C, 0x47}) otaa.SetAppKey([]uint8{0x46, 0x28, 0xCB, 0xB6, 0x4F, 0xF9, 0x4B, 0xA5, 0xB0, 0x04, 0xE2, 0xDC, 0x01, 0x9A, 0x89, 0xA2}) lorawan.SetPublicNetwork(true) }

AU915 Frequencies

package region import "tinygo.org/x/drivers/lora" const ( AU915_DEFAULT_PREAMBLE_LEN = 8 AU915_DEFAULT_TX_POWER_DBM = 20 ) type RegionSettingsAU915 struct { joinRequestChannel *Channel joinAcceptChannel *Channel uplinkChannel *Channel } func AU915() *RegionSettingsAU915 { return &RegionSettingsAU915{ joinRequestChannel: &Channel{lora.MHz_916_8, lora.Bandwidth_125_0, lora.SpreadingFactor9, lora.CodingRate4_5, AU915_DEFAULT_PREAMBLE_LEN, AU915_DEFAULT_TX_POWER_DBM}, joinAcceptChannel: &Channel{lora.MHz_923_3, lora.Bandwidth_500_0, lora.SpreadingFactor9, lora.CodingRate4_5, AU915_DEFAULT_PREAMBLE_LEN, AU915_DEFAULT_TX_POWER_DBM}, uplinkChannel: &Channel{lora.MHz_916_8, lora.Bandwidth_125_0, lora.SpreadingFactor9, lora.CodingRate4_5, AU915_DEFAULT_PREAMBLE_LEN, AU915_DEFAULT_TX_POWER_DBM}, } } func (r *RegionSettingsAU915) JoinRequestChannel() *Channel { return r.joinRequestChannel } func (r *RegionSettingsAU915) JoinAcceptChannel() *Channel { return r.joinAcceptChannel } func (r *RegionSettingsAU915) UplinkChannel() *Channel { return r.uplinkChannel }

Compile and transfer


Ainda portando para AU915




Questions: forums

Thanks to the

and Thanks too the

Ótima IDE para Go que aceita Plug in TinyGo

Release TinyGo

Or you can do the build

Road Map

  1. Clone the repository and checkout the feature branch
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/ofauchon/tinygo-drivers.git
$ cd tinygo-drivers
$ git checkout lorawan-regional-parameters
$ cd examples/lora/lorawan/basic-demo
  1. Tell go/tinygo you want to use this local repository as tinygo-driver sources:
$ cd examples/lora/lorawan/basic-demo
$ go mod init demo
$ edit  go.mod and add the following line after "module demo"
replace tinygo.org/x/drivers => /tmp/tinygo-drivers
$ go mod tidy
  1. Update with your Lorawan Keys
$ vim keys-default.go
  1. Build or Flash your device
$ tinygo build -target=lorae5 
$ tinygo flash -target=lorae5 


$ git pull
$ git checkout lorawan-cleanup


Listagem de caminhos de pasta
O número de série do volume é 42BE-2A44
│   └───workflows
│   └───m5stack-core2-axp192
│   └───convert2bin
│   ├───adt7410
│   ├───adxl345
│   ├───aht20
│   ├───amg88xx
│   ├───apa102
│   │   └───itsybitsy-m0
│   ├───apds9960
│   │   ├───color
│   │   ├───gesture
│   │   └───proximity
│   ├───at24cx
│   ├───axp192
│   │   └───m5stack-core2-blinky
│   ├───bh1750
│   ├───blinkm
│   ├───bme280
│   ├───bmi160
│   ├───bmp180
│   ├───bmp280
│   ├───bmp388
│   ├───buzzer
│   ├───dht
│   ├───ds1307
│   │   ├───sram
│   │   └───time
│   ├───ds3231
│   ├───easystepper
│   ├───espat
│   │   ├───espconsole
│   │   ├───esphub
│   │   ├───espstation
│   │   ├───mqttclient
│   │   ├───mqttsub
│   │   └───tcpclient
│   ├───flash
│   │   └───console
│   │       ├───qspi
│   │       └───spi
│   ├───ft6336
│   │   ├───basic
│   │   └───touchpaint
│   ├───gc9a01
│   ├───gps
│   │   ├───i2c
│   │   └───uart
│   ├───hcsr04
│   ├───hd44780
│   │   ├───customchar
│   │   └───text
│   ├───hd44780i2c
│   ├───hts221
│   ├───hub75
│   │   └───gopherimg
│   ├───i2csoft
│   │   └───adt7410
│   ├───ili9341
│   │   ├───basic
│   │   ├───initdisplay
│   │   ├───pyportal_boing
│   │   │   └───graphics
│   │   ├───scroll
│   │   └───slideshow
│   ├───ina260
│   ├───irremote
│   ├───is31fl3731
│   ├───keypad4x4
│   ├───l293x
│   │   ├───simple
│   │   └───speed
│   ├───l3gd20
│   ├───l9110x
│   │   ├───simple
│   │   └───speed
│   ├───lis2mdl
│   ├───lis3dh
│   ├───lora
│   │   └───lorawan
│   │       ├───atcmd
│   │       ├───basic-demo
│   │       └───common
│   ├───lps22hb
│   ├───lsm303agr
│   ├───lsm6ds3
│   ├───lsm6ds3tr
│   ├───lsm6dsox
│   ├───lsm9ds1
│   ├───mag3110
│   ├───makeybutton
│   ├───max72xx
│   ├───mcp23017
│   ├───mcp23017-multiple
│   ├───mcp2515
│   ├───mcp3008
│   ├───microbitmatrix
│   ├───microphone
│   ├───mma8653
│   ├───mpu6050
│   ├───p1am
│   ├───pca9685
│   ├───pcd8544
│   │   ├───setbuffer
│   │   │   └───data
│   │   └───setpixel
│   ├───pcf8563
│   │   ├───alarm
│   │   ├───clkout
│   │   ├───time
│   │   └───timer
│   ├───qmi8658c
│   ├───rtl8720dn
│   │   ├───mqttclient
│   │   ├───mqttsub
│   │   ├───ntpclient
│   │   ├───tcpclient
│   │   ├───tlsclient
│   │   ├───udpstation
│   │   ├───version
│   │   ├───webclient
│   │   ├───webclient-tinyterm
│   │   └───webserver
│   ├───scd4x
│   ├───sdcard
│   │   ├───console
│   │   └───tinyfs
│   │       └───console
│   ├───semihosting
│   ├───servo
│   ├───sh1106
│   │   └───macropad_spi
│   ├───shifter
│   ├───shiftregister
│   ├───sht3x
│   ├───shtc3
│   ├───ssd1289
│   ├───ssd1306
│   │   ├───i2c_128x32
│   │   ├───i2c_128x64
│   │   └───spi_128x64
│   ├───ssd1331
│   ├───ssd1351
│   ├───st7735
│   ├───st7789
│   ├───sx126x
│   │   ├───lora_continuous
│   │   └───lora_rxtx
│   ├───sx127x
│   │   └───lora_rxtx
│   ├───thermistor
│   ├───tm1637
│   ├───tmp102
│   ├───tone
│   ├───touch
│   │   └───resistive
│   │       ├───fourwire
│   │       └───pyportal_touchpaint
│   ├───uc8151
│   ├───veml6070
│   ├───vl53l1x
│   ├───vl6180x
│   ├───waveshare-epd
│   │   ├───epd2in13
│   │   ├───epd2in13x
│   │   ├───epd2in9
│   │   └───epd4in2
│   ├───wifi
│   │   └───tcpclient
│   ├───wifinina
│   │   ├───connect
│   │   ├───http-get
│   │   ├───mqttclient
│   │   ├───mqttsub
│   │   ├───ntpclient
│   │   ├───pins
│   │   ├───tcpclient
│   │   ├───tlsclient
│   │   ├───udpstation
│   │   ├───webclient
│   │   └───webserver
│   ├───ws2812
│   └───xpt2046
│   ├───internal
│   │   ├───compress
│   │   │   ├───flate
│   │   │   └───zlib
│   │   └───imageutil
│   ├───jpeg
│   └───png
│   └───lorawan
│       └───region
│   ├───http
│   │   └───cookiejar
│   ├───mqtt
│   └───tls
│   └───internal
│       └───cmd
│           └───gen_defines
│   └───resistive
│   ├───epd2in13
│   ├───epd2in13x
│   ├───epd2in9
│   └───epd4in2
│   ├───protocol
│   └───updater


Downlink messages


About SmartCore

SmartCore provides modules for wireless communication, biometrics, connectivity, tracking and automation.
Our portfolio includes 2G/3G/4G/NB-IoT/Cat.M modem, satellite, WiFi modules, Bluetooth, GNSS / GPS, Sigfox, LoRa, card reader, QR code reader, print engine, mini-board PC, antenna, pigtail, LCD, battery, GPS repeater and sensors.
More details at www.smartcore.com.br